Minicursos do XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos
Redes de Computadores, Minicursos do SBRC 2023, SBRC 2023Sinopse
O livro Minicursos do 41º Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos contém os minicursos selecionados para apresentação no SBRC 2023, realizado em Brasília entre os dias 22 e 26 de maio de 2023. O Livro de Minicursos do SBRC tem sido, tradicionalmente, utilizado como material de estudo de alta qualidade por alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, bem como por profissionais da área. As sessões de apresentação dos minicursos são, também, uma importante oportunidade para atualização de conhecimentos da comunidade científica e para a complementação da formação dos participantes. O principal objetivo dos Minicursos do SBRC é oferecer treinamento e atualização de curto prazo em temas normalmente não cobertos nas estruturas curriculares e que possuem grande interesse entre acadêmicos e profissionais.
1. Gerenciamento e Orquestração de Serviços em O-RAN: Inteligência, Tendências e Desafios
2. Um Panorama dos Serviços de Saúde Avançados: Conectividade e Segurança em Sistemas de Vida Assistida
3. Intrusion detection with Machine Learning in Internet of Things and Fog Computing: problems, solutions and research
4. Aplicações Críticas Habilitadas pela Tecnologia 5G: Oportunidades, Tendências e Desafios
GPP (2016). Feasibility study on new services and markets technology enablers; stage 1 (release 14). Relatório Técnico TR 22.891, Third Generation Partnership Project.
GPP (2017). System architecture milestone of 5G phase 1 is achieved.
GPP (2020a). Study on new radio (NR) to support non-terrestrial networks. Relatório técnico, 3GPP.
GPP (2020b). Study on using satellite access in 5G. Relatório técnico, 3GPP.
GPP (2021). Solutions for NR to support Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN). Relatório técnico, 3GPP.
Aazam, M., Zeadally, S., and Harras, K. A. (2020). Health fog for smart healthcare. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 9(2):96–102.
Abbasi, M., Shahraki, A., and Taherkordi, A. (2021). Deep learning for network traffic monitoring and analysis (ntma): A survey. Computer Communications, 170:19–41.
Aboodi, A., Wan, T.-C., and Sodhy, G.-C. (2019). Survey on the incorporation of ndn/ccn in iot. IEEE Access, 7:71827–71858.
Adil, M., Alshahrani, H., Rajab, A., Shaikh, A., Song, H., and Farouk, A. (2022). Qos review: smart sensing in wake of covid-19, current trends and specifications with future research directions. IEEE Sensors Journal.
Adrah, C. M., Palma, D., Kure, O. e Heegaard, P. E. (2022). Deploying 5G architecture for protection systems in smart distribution grids. Em 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), p. 1–5.
Agarwal, S., Malandrino, F., Chiasserini, C. F. e De, S. (2019). VNF placement and resource allocation for the support of vertical services in 5G networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 27(1):433–446.
Agbaje, P., Anjum, A., Mitra, A., Oseghale, E., Bloom, G. e Olufowobi, H. (2022). Survey of interoperability challenges in the Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12):22838–22861.
Aguado, A., Lopez, V., Martinez-Mateo, J., Szyrkowiec, T., Autenrieth, A., Peev, M., Lopez, D., and Martin, V. (2017). Hybrid conventional and quantum security for software defined and virtualized networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 9(10):819–825.
Ahad, A., Tahir, M., and Yau, K.-L. A. (2019). 5g-based smart healthcare network: architecture, taxonomy, challenges and future research directions. IEEE access, 7:100747–100762.
Ahad, A., Tahir, M., Sheikh, M. A., Ahmed, K. I., and Mughees, A. (2021). An intelligent clustering-based routing protocol (crp-gr) for 5g-based smart healthcare using game theory and reinforcement learning. Applied Sciences, 11(21):9993.
Ahmad, Z., Shahid Khan, A., Wai Shiang, C., Abdullah, J., and Ahmad, F. (2021). Network intrusion detection system: A systematic study of machine learning and deep learning approaches. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 32(1):e4150.
Ahvar, E., Ahvar, S., Raza, S. M., Manuel Sanchez Vilchez, J. e Lee, G. M. (2021). Next generation of SDN in cloud-fog for 5G and beyond-enabled applications: Opportunities and challenges. Network, 1(1):28–49.
Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M., Mohammadi, M., Aledhari, M., and Ayyash, M. (2015). Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(4):2347–2376.
Al-Khafajiy, M., Otoum, S., Baker, T., Asim, M., Maamar, Z., Aloqaily, M., Taylor, M., and Randles, M. (2021). Intelligent control and security of fog resources in healthcare systems via a cognitive fog model. ACM Trans. Internet Technol., 21(3).
Albdour, L., Manaseer, S., and Sharieh, A. (2020). Iot crawler with behavior analyzer at fog layer for detecting malicious nodes. Int. J. Commun. Networks Inf. Secur., 12(1).
Alenoghena, C. O., Onumanyi, A. J., Ohize, H. O., Adejo, A. O., Oligbi, M., Ali, S. I. e Okoh, S. A. (2022). ehealth: A survey of architectures, developments in mhealth, security concerns and solutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(20):13071.
Alhaj, T. A., Abdulla, S. M., Iderss, M. A. E., Ali, A. A. A., Elhaj, F. A., Remli, M. A., and Gabralla, L. A. (2022). A survey: To govern, protect, and detect security principles on internet of medical things (iomt). IEEE Access, 10:124777–124791.
Alhowaide, A., Alsmadi, I., and Tang, J. (2021). Ensemble detection model for iot ids. Internet of Things, 16:100435.
Aliyu, F., Sheltami, T., and Shakshuki, E. M. (2018). A detection and prevention technique for man in the middle attack in fog computing. Procedia Computer Science, 141:24 – 31. The 9th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2018) / The 8th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2018) / Affiliated Workshops.
Almeida, G. M., Bruno, G. Z., Huff, A., Hiltunen, M., Duarte Jr, E. P., Both, C. B. e Cardoso, K. V. (2023). RIC-O: Efficient Placement of a Disaggregated and Distributed RAN Intelligent Controller with Dynamic Clustering of Radio Nodes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.02760.
Alsaedi, A., Moustafa, N., Tari, Z., Mahmood, A., and Anwar, A. (2020). Ton_iot telemetry dataset: A new generation dataset of iot and iiot for data-driven intrusion detection systems. IEEE Access, 8:165130–165150.
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Arnaz, A., Lipman, J., Abolhasan, M. e Hiltunen, M. (2022). Toward Integrating Intelligence and Programmability in Open Radio Access Networks: A Comprehensive Survey. IEEE Access, 10:67747–67770.
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Aversano, L., Bernardi, M. L., Cimitile, M., and Pecori, R. (2021). A systematic review on deep learning approaches for iot security. Computer Science Review, 40:100389.
Azari, M. M., Solanki, S., Chatzinotas, S., Kodheli, O., Sallouha, H., Colpaert, A., Mendoza Montoya, J. F., Pollin, S., Haqiqatnejad, A., Mostaani, A., Lagunas, E. e Ottersten, B. (2022). Evolution of non-terrestrial networks from 5G to 6G: A survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 24(4):2633–2672.
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Baldesi, L., Restuccia, F. e Melodia, T. (2022). ChARM: NextG Spectrum Sharing through Data-Driven Real-Time O-RAN Dynamic Control. Em IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), p. 240–249.
Bansal, S. and Kumar, D. (2020). Iot ecosystem: A survey on devices, gateways, operating systems, middleware and communication. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 27:340–364.
Barakabitze, A. A., Ahmad, A., Mijumbi, R. e Hines, A. (2020). 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV: A survey of taxonomy, architectures and future challenges. Computer Networks, 167:106984.
Bardalai, P., Neog, H., Dutta, P. E., Medhi, N., and Deka, S. K. (2022). Throughput prediction in smart healthcare network using machine learning approaches. In 2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), pages 1–6. IEEE.
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Bonati, L., D’Oro, S., Polese, M., Basagni, S. e Melodia, T. (2021a). Intelligence and Learning in O-RAN for Data-Driven NextG Cellular Networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 59(10):21–27.
Bonati, L., Johari, P., Polese, M., D’Oro, S., Mohanti, S., Tehrani-Moayyed, M., Villa, D., Shrivastava, S., Tassie, C., Yoder, K. et al. (2021b). Colosseum: Large-Scale Wireless Experimentation through Hardware-in-the-Loop Network Emulation. Em IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), p. 105–113.
Bonati, L., Polese, M., D’Oro, S., Basagni, S. e Melodia, T. (2023a). NeutRAN: An Open RAN Neutral Host Architecture for Zero-Touch RAN and Spectrum Sharing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.07653.
Bonati, L., Polese, M., D’Oro, S., Basagni, S. e Melodia, T. (2023b). OpenRAN Gym: AI/ML development, data Collection, and Testing for ORAN on PAWR Platforms. Computer Networks, 220:109502.
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