Short Courses of the 6th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security


Lau Cheuk Lung (ed)


Information Security, Computational Systems, SBSeg 2006 Short Courses, SBSeg 2006


The Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg) is a scientific event promoted annually by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). SBSeg represents the country’s main forum for disseminating research results and relevant activities related to information and computational systems security. This book comprises the five chapters produced by the authors of the short courses selected for presentation at SBSeg 2006.

Chapter 1, "Segurança em Serviços Web", introduces the concepts behind the Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, in particular. This chapter shows, through a use case, the benefits of this architecture and its security challenges. Afterwards, we present some research projects and technologies that deal with these security challenges.

Chapter 2, "Ataques e Mecanismos de Segurança em Redes Ad Hoc", addresses the main attacks for ad hoc network, classifying them according to their consequences and to the aimed protocol layer. Then, the main security mechanisms used to prevent these attacks are analyzed, as well as ad hoc main specific secure protocols.

Chapter 3, "Introdução à Biometria", provides an overview of biometric authentication, examining the most used technologies and discussing its benefits and limitations. We also address architectural aspects of biometric systems, as well as open problems that require further research.

Chapter 4, "A Nova Geração de Modelos de Controle de Acesso em Sistemas Computacionais", presents several models of access control, such as DAC, MAC, DRM, RBAC and UCON, considering its mains characteristics and properties, and also a brief comparison between them.

Chapter 5, "Técnicas de Defesa Contra Spam", presents the motivation and the mechanisms used to send spams and the techniques used to classify and filter them. Furthermore, different anti-spam systems proposed in the literature are analyzed in detail. At last, new proposals to inhibit the act of sending spams are discussed.



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