Brazilian Computing Societys's Annual Report 2021-2022


Raimundo Macêdo, UFBA; André Carvalho, USP; Renata Galante, UFRGS; Carlos Ferraz, UFPE; Cristiano Maciel, UFMT; Itana Gimenes, UEM; José Viterbo Filho, UFF; Tanara Lauschner, UFAM; Marcelo Duduchi, CEETEPS; Alirio Sá, UFBA; Jair Leite, UFRN; Carlos Eduardo Ferreira, USP; Wagner Meira Júnior, UFMG; Michelle Wangham, UNIVALI; Leila Ribeiro, UFRGS


Annual Report 2021-2022, SBC, Events, Financial Statement


This document presents the results achieved by the SBC Board of Directors through the actions programmed in its work plan and aligned with the Society's strategic planning from July 2021 to June 2022.


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Publication date

July 31, 2022