Short Courses of the 40th Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
Computer Networks, SBRC 2022 Short Courses, SBRC 2022Synopsis
The short courses textbook of the 40th Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2022) comprises the short courses selected for presentation at the 40th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), held online between May 23 and 27, 2022. The SBRC short courses textbook has traditionally been used as high-quality study material by undergraduate and graduate students as well as by IT professionals who work on computer networking and distributed systems. The short course presentation sessions are also a significant opportunity to update the knowledge of the scientific community and to complement the attendees' training. The main objective of the SBRC short courses is to offer short-term training and updating on topics not usually covered in the curriculum and to make both the students and professionals more interested in the area.
1. Redes de Canais de Pagamento: Provendo Escalabilidade para Pagamentos em Criptomoedas
2. Tokens Não Fungíveis (NFTs): Conceitos, Aplicações e Desafios
3. Metrologia na Era do Aprendizado de Máquina
4. Redes Neurais de Grafos no Contexto das Cidades Inteligentes
5. Monitoramento de Sinais Vitais Utilizando Redes Wi-Fi