Training References for the Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity


Sociedade Brasileira de Computação


Training references, Information Security, CyberSecurity


This document presents the Training References in the area of Computing for the bachelor's degree course in Cybersecurity. It builds on the Association for Computing Machinery's (ACM) CC2020 notion of competency. The 12 specific skills that CC2020 lists for the Bachelor in Cybersecurity were summarized in eight training axes. Each training axis relates the knowledge that is important in the development of the competences of the graduates of the course. An axis with fundamentals of Computing skills is also addressed. These references aim to assist in the development of curricular matrices and Course Pedagogical Projects (PPC) in Higher Education Institutions in Brazil.


How cite this document

SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO. Referenciais de formação para o curso de Bacharelado em CiberSegurança. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2023. 40p. DOI 10.5753/sbc.ref.2023.125.



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Publication date

August 23, 2023