Training References for the Bachelor's Degree in Data Science
Training references, Data Science, CyberSecurity, Statistics, Data Mining, Machine LearningSynopsis
This document presents the training references for the Bachelor of Data Science courses. These references were constructed using the notion of competence, in line with the competencies defined by the Data Science Task Force of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2021 and with the Training Frameworks for Undergraduate Computing Courses 2017 produced by the Sociedade Brazilian Society of Computing (SBC). The profile of the graduate and the skills and abilities were conceived and grouped into 8 (eight) training axes that are related to the content necessary for the development of the respective skills. The Brazilian Statistical Association (ABE) collaborated to adapt skills and content to the expectations of this area, in line with the guidelines of the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Data Science of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the American Statistical Association. Thus, this document is signed by the SBC and ABE. It is also noteworthy that these references aim to facilitate the construction of pedagogical course projects in Brazilian higher education institutions in accordance with their objectives, strategies and vocations.
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SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO; BRAZILIAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION. Referenciais de formação para o curso de Bacharelado em CiberSegurança. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2023. 40p. DOI 10.5753/sbc.ref.2023.126.