Memories of the Brazilian Computing Society


Roberto da Silva Bigonha, UFMG; Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, UNICAMP; Claudio Zamitti Mammana, USP; Clesio Saraiva dos Santos, UFRGS; Daniel Alberto Menascé, George Mason University; Flávio Rech Wagner, UFRGS; Luiz de Castro Martins, PUC-Rio; Pedro Manoel da Silveira, UFRJ; Ricardo Augusto da Luz Reis, UFRGS


Memories of the SBC


Memory is an essential resource for building learning and human survival. It enables the creation of an identity. It is a heritage that makes us unique and also enables improvements in the process of natural evolution of life. To speak of memory is to reflect on what represents us in the world. It permeates not only human life, but also other spaces that build a story.

35 years ago, the history of the Brazilian Computing Society began, a scientific society whose purpose was to promote debate on the issues and challenges of computer science in Brazil. This period was characterized by the need to start producing some technical components internally in Brazil to free us from dependence on importing computers from other countries. We Brazilians needed to develop our tools according to our needs and create our own technology.

The book Memórias da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação makes us understand the heritage acquired over these years and presents us with the place we occupy in Computing in Brazil. This work marks the 35 years of SBC. It was carefully organized by the Director of Professional Relations, the editor Roberto da Silva Bigonha, also a researcher and full professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) who presents us with data and facts since its foundation as an important scientific society in Brazil.

The publication brings our memory and contextualizes the historical moment, the advances in teaching and scientific research on Computing in the country and the work carried out by SBC for its community through the experience of some of its former presidents over the years.

The book Memórias da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação is an invitation to go back in time. It is through it that we can learn about what has already been achieved by our Society and the challenges to continue valuing and developing teaching and scientific research in Computing in Brazil.

SBC is the result of the contribution and collective work of its members over the years. Upon completing 35 years of history, it presents you, dear reader, with this memory and identity that is also yours. Good reading!


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Publication date

July 28, 2014


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
