Short Courses of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia Systems and the Web


Eduardo Barrére (ed), UFJF; Leandro Krug Wives (ed), UFRGS; Valter Roesler (ed), UFRGS; José Valdeni de Lima (ed), UFRGS; Roberto Willrich


Learning Objects, Multimedia, Cross-platform Applications, Game Development, Model-driven Engineering, Speech Recognition, Context-Aware Applications


The book Short Courses of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia Systems and the Web offers to its community texts related to themes that guide the latest advances in the area of multimedia and web, bringing information about new technologies and current topics of research in areas related to the theme. Thus, this volume offers an excellent opportunity to familiarize stakeholders with new research topics that may prove useful in their professional lives.



  • 1. Creating Multimedia Learning Objects
    Carlos de Salles Soares Neto, Thacyla de Sousa Lima, André Luiz de B. Damasceno, Antonio José G. Busson
  • 2. Cross-platform Multimedia Application Development for Mobile,Web, Embedded and IoT with Qt/QML
    Manoel C. M. Neto, Sandro S. Andrade, Renato L. Novais
  • 3. Game Development for Researchers: From Concept to User Experience Data Collection
    Marcio Maestrelo Funes, Leandro Agostini do Amaral, Rudinei Goularte, Renata Pontin Mattos Fortes
  • 4. Model-driven Engineering in the Development of Ubiquitous Applications: Technologies, Tools and Languages
    Marcos Alves Vieira, Sergio T. Carvalho
  • 5. Use of Automatic Speech Recognition System for Multimedia Applications
    Marcos Valadão Gualberto Ferreira, Jairo Francisco de Souza
  • 6. Using Mobile Cloud Computing for Developing Context-Aware Multimedia Applications - A Case Study of the CAOS Framework
    Fernando A. M. Trinta, Paulo A. L. Rego, Francisco A. A. Gomes, Lincoln S. Rocha, José N. de Souza


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Publication date

November 30, 2017

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
