11th Jornada de Atualização em Informática na Educação


Tatyane Calixto (ed)
CESAR School
Jeane Melo (ed)
Rozelma França (ed)


JAIE 2023


The Jornadas de Atualização em Informática na Educação (JAIE) are moments and contents of scientific and technological update for the Informatics in Education (IE) community in Brazil. They are organized annually at the Brazilian Congress of Informatics in Education (CBIE) in the form of a set of short courses (tutorials). Each course focuses on current and relevant IE topics, which aims at stimulating the training of researchers in the areas of Computing, Education, Psychology, Design, and other similar areas with contemporary and cutting edge theoretical and methodological approaches.



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Silva, R. e Blikstein, P. (2020) Robótica educacional: experiências inovadoras na educação brasileira. Porto Alegre: Penso.

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Publication date

November 6, 2023

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
