Training References for Undergraduate Computer Courses (2017 Edition)


Brazilian Computer Society


Training References, Graduate Courses in Computing


The Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) makes the book "Training References for Undergraduate Computer Courses" available to the entire Brazilian community. This book contains training references for the following undergraduate computer courses: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Teacher Training in Computer, Information Systems, and other higher-degree courses in computer technology.

The book was the work of the SBC Education Commission together with several SBC members from different universities in Brazil. The work results from several contributions that took place during the Workshops on Computer Education (WEI), which take place every year during the Congress of the SBC (CSBC).

According to the Director of Education at SBC, Professor Avelino Zorzo, "the Training References presented in this book must be analyzed sparingly and implemented through curricula considering the various institutional and regional aspects. The Training References are not curricula but reference material for anyone preparing their institutional curriculum of a Computer Course. This material must be worked on with the Brazilian Curriculum Guidelines (DCN).


How to cite this document

Zorzo, A. F.; Nunes, D.; Matos, E.; Steinmacher, I.; Leite, J.; Araujo, R. M.; Correia, R.; Martins, S. “Training References for Undergraduate Computer Courses (2017 Edition)” (in Portuguese). Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC). 153p, 2017.


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Publication date

October 1, 2017

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
