Short Courses of the 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security


Alex Borges Vieira (ed)
Edelberto Franco Silva (ed)
Dianne Scherly Varela de Medeiros (ed)
Roberto Samarone Dos Santos Araujo (ed)


Short Courses of the SBSeg 2023, SBSeg 2023, Information security


The Short Courses Book of the XXIII Brazilian Symposium on Information Security and Computational Systems (SBSeg) brings the written version of the proposals accepted and presented in this edition of SBSeg. In the SBSeg's short courses, there is practical and cute-edge knowledge in the cybersecurity area, thus we have more applied and more theoretical short courses in this edition of SBSeg. The 6 chapters of the short courses book deal with topics such as: Authentication and Authorization: old demands, new challenges, and emerging technologies; Providing Security in Smart Cities: Applications, Challenges and Trends in Electric Mobility and Smart Pricing with NFTs; Introduction to Malicious Code Analysis for Windows environment; and Securing Computer Networks in the Era of the Programmable Data Plane. These chapters aim to update the professional’s knowledge of who already works in cybersecurity and provide students with content not normally covered in courses in the area.


  • 1. Explorando esquemas criptográficos pós-quânticos considerados pelo NIST com implementação em Sage
    Thales Paiva, Vitor Ponciano, Everaldo Moreira, Rafael Oliveira, Vilc Rufino, Cabral Melo, Julio López, Eduardo Ueda, Routo Terada
  • 2. Sistemas de Votação Fim-a-Fim: Teoria e Prática
    Eduardo Lopes Cominetti, Marcos Antonio Simplicio Junior, Paulo Matias, Roberto Samarone Araújo
  • 3. Introdução à Engenharia Social: da Psicologia Cognitiva aos Ataques Automatizados
    Jéferson Campos Nobre, Pamela Carvalho da Silva, Antônio João Gonçalves de Azambuja, Maurício Ariza, Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, Caroline Tozzi Reppold
  • 4. Ameaças e Vulnerabilidades em Open RAN: Desafios e Soluções
    Diogo Menezes Ferrazani Mattos, Dianne Scherly Varela de Medeiros, Rodrigo de Souza Couto, Pedro Henrique Cruz Caminha, Lucas Airam Castro de Souza, Felipe Gomes Táparo, Guilherme Araujo Thomaz, João Vitor Valle, Franciele Batista de Oliveira, Miguel Elias Mitre Campista, Luís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa, Igor Monteiro Moraes
  • 5. Desenvolvimento ágil de software seguro e a cultura DevSecOps
    Alexandre Braga
  • 6. Proteção de Sistemas Biométricos
    Marco Antonio Torrez Rojas, Charles Christian Miers, Marcos Antonio Simplício Jr, Luis Henrique de Almeida Fernandes, Rafael Yamada de Oliveira, Gabriela Guilherme de Andrade, Isaak Gomes de Araújo, Sara de Almeida Sehnem, Vinicius Dacio da Silva


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