Short Courses of the 24th Regional School of High Performance Computing from Southern Brazil


Arthur Francisco Lorenzon (ed)
Marco Antonio Zanata Alves (ed)


Computer architectures, Parallelism, OpenMP, Task models, Parallel programming, Docker, Docker containers


The Book of Short Courses presented at the 24th Regional School of High Performance Computing from Southern Brazil (ERAD/RS) presents the contribution of researchers in parallel computing from the Southern Region of Brazil. Consisting of three chapters, all focused on high-performance computing, the book has a variety of convergent subjects covering the layers from hardware to software abstractions.

In the first chapter, entitled "Exploration of Parallelism in Current Computer Architectures", the author deals with the evolution of parallel architectures and aims to offer an overview of the different aspects of parallelism in current computer architectures.

In chapter two, "Parallel Programming with OpenMP: Task Models" the authors present parallel programming techniques using several OpenMP directives, with an emphasis on task models.

In the third chapter, the authors of "Evaluating the Impact of Docker Containers on Docker for Parallel Programming" represent an isolation paradigm based on containers more specifically on Docker. Containerized software ensures consistent operation regardless of the underlying infrastructure. By isolating software from its surroundings, containers ensure uniform functionality across different environments, such as development and staging.



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Publication date

April 24, 2024

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
