Short Courses of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health


Dianne Scherly Varela de Medeiros (ed)
Eduardo Simões de Albuquerque (ed)
Carlos Henrique Rorato Souza (ed)


Electroencephalography (EEG), Immersive simulators, Digital health technology assessment, Learned index, Health data harmonization, OHDSI (Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics), ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Load), Artificial Intelligence, Mental Disorders


The SBCAS 2024 Short Courses book contains the texts of the short courses selected and presented in this edition of the event. The book is organized into six chapters covering topics related to immersive simulators, Brain-Computer Interface applications, health data harmonization, digital health technology assessment, learned index, and even artificial intelligence.

Chapter 1, entitled “A Practical Approach Aimed at Brain-Computer Interface Applications using EEG Signals,” discusses the processing of Electro-Encephalography (EEG) signals with a focus on the development of Brain-Computer Interface (Brain-Computer) applications. Interface, BCI), from a historical overview of the use of EEG, low-cost BCI devices, computational tools for signal processing, and related public databases.

Chapter 2, entitled “Immersive Simulators for Healthcare Education: Future or Reality?” presents a study on the evolution of virtual reality simulators for healthcare, highlighting how they have been adapted to replicate technical and behavioral skills in immersive 3D environments.

Chapter 3, entitled “Technology Assessment in Digital Health: Fundamentals and Practical Applications,” presents a study on the relevance, fundamentals, and applications of technology assessment in digital health, with a particular focus on the assessment of software for the area of health. The particularities of applications in the health sector are addressed, as well as specific protocols and processes for evaluating digital health technologies.

Chapter 4, “Learned Index: Perspectives and Challenges in Health Data Management,” discusses the concept of Learned Index, which employs machine learning to produce index structures capable of surpassing traditional algorithms. This approach aims to lead to diverse solutions and applications directly impacting clinical practice, health surveillance, management, and formulation of public policies.

Chapter 5, entitled “Global Health Data Harmonization: The Role of OHDSI Standard Vocabularies,” presents perspectives on the structure and concepts of the OHDSI standard vocabulary (Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics), as well as tools that enable mapping of local vocabularies and use as part of the ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Load).

Chapter 6, entitled “Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Support the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis of Mental Disorders,” concludes the book, providing insights into the main challenges and trends in Artificial Intelligence applications to support diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. of mental disorders.

The six chapters of this book discuss different approaches to different aspects of Computing Applied to Health, presenting methodologies, techniques, and tools that contribute to the area’s development.



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