Short Courses of ERCEMAPI 2023
Google Earth Engine, Remote Sensing, Geoprocessing, Intrusion Detection Systems, Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Urban Mobility, PythonSynopsis
This book offers a comprehensive perspective on remote sensing, information security, and urban mobility data analysis, exploring practical applications and fundamental concepts in each area.
In the first chapter, "Google Earth Engine in Teaching Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing", the reader is taken on a journey through the world of geoprocessing and remote sensing, presenting the Google Earth Engine platform and its educational applications. Introductory concepts are covered together with practices, using the cloud platform, providing a comprehensive and accessible view of the topic.
In the second chapter, entitled "An Insight into Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems", readers enter the world of information security, exploring intrusion detection systems and their improvement with Machine Learning techniques. The challenges and strategies in detecting cyber threats are discussed in detail, offering a broad and in-depth understanding of the subject.
Finally, the third chapter, "Treatment and Analysis of Urban Mobility Data: A Theoretical and Practical Methodology", addresses the analysis of urban mobility data, highlighting the challenges and opportunities found in this field. A theoretical and practical methodology is presented, providing valuable insights into the processing and analysis of mobility data, along with practical examples and comparisons between available Python libraries.
These chapters deal with topics relevant to the area of computing and will contribute to a better understanding of the details about remote sensing, information security and the analysis of urban mobility data.
1. Google Earth Engine in Teaching Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing
2. An Insight into Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems
3. Treatment and Analysis of Urban Mobility Data: A Theoretical and Practical Methodology
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