"SOL: The Open Digital Library of SBC"


Digital library, Open access, SBC OpenLib (SOL), Scientific publication, Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP), Open Harvester Systems (OHS), Open science, Indexing, Google Scholar, Event proceedings, Scientific journals, Books, Identifiers (DOI, ISSN, ISBN, ORCID, ROR), Brazilian Computing Society (SBC)


This booklet introduces SOL (SBC OpenLib), an open-access digital library launched by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) in July 2018. SOL aims to promote free access to Brazilian scientific computing knowledge.


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Alma Swan. Diretrizes para políticas de desenvolvimento e promoção do acesso aberto. 2016.

Miriam Wanjiku Ndungu. Publishing with open journal systems (ojs): a librarian’s perspective. Serials Review, 46(1):21-25, 2020.

James MacGregor, Kevin Stranack, and John Willinsky. The public knowledge project Open source tools for open access to scholarly communication. Opening science: The evolving guide on how the Internet is changing research, collaboration and scholarly publishing, pages 165-175, 2014.

Jorge A Ruiz-Vanoye, Ocotlán Díaz-Parra, Alejandro Fuentes-Penna, Alberto Ochoa, Ricardo A Barrera Cámara, and Daniel Velez-Diaz. Books content manager of open access-open monograph press. International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics, 6(2):1-10, 2015.

Adriana Bruna Silva Albuquerque and Pedro Ivo Silveira Andretta. A implantação e implementação de uma hemeroteca digital em ciência da informação: algumas considerações sobre o harvester in library and information science-hilis. Biblios, (74):60-78, 2019.

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Publication date

August 30, 2024

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
