Short Courses of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia Systems and the Web


Renato de Freitas Bulcão Neto (ed)
Iwens Gervásio Sene Júnior (ed)
Cássio Vinicius Serafim Prazeres (ed)
Paulo Nazareno Maia Sampaio (ed)


Multimedia, Web, Accessibility, Smart Homes, Kinect, Virtual Environments, Mobile Devices


The book Short Courses of the 19h Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia Systems and the Web offers to its community texts related to themes that guide the latest advances in the area of multimedia and web, bringing information about new technologies and current topics of research in areas related to the theme. Thus, this volume offers an excellent opportunity to familiarize stakeholders with new research topics that may prove useful in their professional lives.



  • 1. Acessibilidade de Conteúdo Web e Multimídia: técnicas e exemplos do contexto educacional
    André Pimenta Freire, Raphael Winckler de Bettio, Elaine das Graças Frade, Fernanda Barbosa Ferrari, José Monserrat Neto, Helena Libardi
  • 2. Explorando HTML5, CSS3 e JQueryMobile no Controle e Monitoramento de Casas Inteligentes
    José Antonio Camacho Guerreiro, Alessandra Alaniz Macedo
  • 3. Desenvolvimento de Ambientes Virtuais Interativos usando Java e Kinect
    Almerindo Nascimento Rehem Neto, Celso Alberto Saibel Santos, Lucas Aragão de Carvalho, Clebeson Canuto dos Santos
  • 4. Desenvolvimento para Dispositivos Móveis usando Tecnologias Web com Ênfase em Jogos
    André Santanchè, Renoir Boulanger, Gabriela Viana, Ricardo Panaggio, Bruno Melo, Hugo Aboud


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Publication date

November 30, 2013

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
