Topics in Data Management and Information: Short Courses of SBBD 2024


José Maria da Silva Monteiro Filho (ed)
Humberto Razente (ed)
Ronaldo dos Santos Mello (ed)


Retrieval-Augmented Generation, Knowledge Graphs, Execution Plans, Visual Approach, Query Exploration, Query Optimization, SQL, Pattern Mining in Graphs


This book includes three chapters written by the authors of the selected tutorials presented during the 39th Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD 2024), held from September 14 to 17, 2024. They aim to present relevant topics related to Databases. Moreover, they promote discussions on the topics' fundamentals, trends, and challenges. Each short course lasts four hours and is an excellent opportunity to update academics and professionals participating in the event.

The chapters cover content related to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), Query Exploration and Optimization, as well as Graph Pattern Mining. The short course program committee was composed of José Maria da Silva Monteiro Filho (UFC), Humberto Razente (UFU), and Ronaldo dos Santos Mello (UFSC) under the coordination of the former.

The richness of this issue can be mainly credited to the authors and reviewers. We greatly thank them for their insightful contributions and discussions during SBBD 2024.



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Publication date

October 14, 2024



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