Topics on Databases, Multimedia and Web: Short Courses of the 26th SBBD and of the 17th WebMedia


Patrícia Vilain (ed)
Valter Roesler (ed)


Cloud computing, Natural Interactions, Linked Data, Recommender Systems, Video Streaming


This book is the collection of texts provided by the authors of the short courses that were presented during the 27th Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD 2011) and the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems (WebMedia 2011), held in Florianópolis. These short courses aim to present a view of current topics of research and technology of interest to the Database or Multimedia and Web Systems communities. Each short course deals with a current theme and interest of the SBBD and WebMedia audience, offering them an opportunity to learn about that subject and also to use this new knowledge in their areas of activity or research.


  • 1. Cloud computing: elásticas e seguras
    Rodrigo Elia Assad, Vinicius de Melo Rocha, Emanuell Faustino, Felipe Silva Ferraz, Silvio Romeiro Lemos Meira
  • 2. Interfaces para Aplicações de Interação Natural Baseadas na API OpenNI e na Plataforma Kinect
    Almerindo N. Rehem, Celso A. S. Santos, Marcus V. R. Andrade
  • 3. Linked Data: Construindo um Espaço de Dados Global na Web
    Regis Pires Magalhães, José Antônio F. de Macêdo, Vânia Maria Ponte Vidal
  • 4. O que sua personalidade revela?
    Fidelizando clientes web através de Sistemas de Recomendação e traços de personalidade
    Maria Augusta S. N. Nunes, Silvio César Cazella
  • 5. Por dentro das redes complexas - detectando grupos e prevendo ligações
    Ana Paula Appel, Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior
  • 6. Utilizando a Arthron para o Gerenciamento Remoto de Múltiplos Fluxos de Mídia
    Julio César Ferreira da Silva, Anderson Vinícius Alves Ferreira, Elenilson Vieira da Silva Filho, Marcello Galdino Passos, Erick Augusto Gomes de Melo, Tatiana Aires Tavares, Guido Lemos de Souza Filho


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Publication date

October 3, 2011

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
