Topics on Collaborative Systems, Interactives, Multimedia, Web and Databases: Short Courses of the 8th SBSC, 16th WebMedia, 9th IHC and 15th SBBD


Adriano C. Machado Pereira (ed)
Marco Winckler (ed)
Roberta Lima Gomes (ed)


Usability, Social Networks, Ginga Java, Cloud Computing, Data Management, Data Mining, KDD, Model-driven Development, Security, Content Management


This book contains the didactic texts written by the authors of the short courses selected for the 2010 edition of four major scientific symposiums promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), namely the VII Brazilian Symposium on Collaborative Systems (SBSC), the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), the IX Symposium of Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC) and the XXV Brazilian Symposium on Databases (SBBD). The purpose of this book is, in addition to supporting the participation of those present during the realization of short courses, to increase the impact of these short courses. This material will guarantee a complement of information to the participants and to all interested in the respective themes, allowing development of their knowledge in the area.


  • 1. Avaliação Multidimensional da Usabilidade de Interfaces para Aplicações Móveis e Multimodais
    Ana Esther Victor Barbosa, Danilo de Sousa Ferreira, José Eustáquio Rangel de Queiroz
  • 2. Redes Sociais Online: Técnicas de Coleta e Abordagens de Medição
    Fabrício Benevenuto
  • 3. Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Imperativas para TV Digital no middleware Ginga com Java
    Raoni Kulesza, Carlos Alberto Saibel Santos, Tatiana Aires Tavares, Manoel Marques Neto, Guido Lemos de Souza Filho
  • 4. Gerenciamento de Dados em Nuvem: Conceitos, Sistemas e Desafios
    Flávio R. C. Sousa, Leonardo O. Moreira, José Antônio F. de Macêdo, Javam C. Machado
  • 5. Minerando a Web por meio de Grafos
    da teoria às aplicações
    Ana Paula Appel, Estevam Rafael Hruschka Junior
  • 6. Processo de KDD aplicado à Bioinformática
    Ana T. Winck, Karina S. Machado, Duncan D. Ruiz, Osmar Norberto de Souza
  • 7. An Introduction to Model-driven Development of User Interfaces to realize Multimodal and Context-sensitive Applications for Smart Environments
    Sebastian Feuerstack
  • 8. Garantia de Segurança em Aplicações
    de Requisitos a Padrões Seguros
    Rodrigo Elia Assad, Felipe Silva Ferraz, Silvio Romeiro Lemos Meira
  • 9. Desenvolvimento de Gerenciador de Conteúdo com Tecnologia Web 2.0
    Cintia Carvalho Oliveira, Daniele Carvalho Oliveira, Cleber Ferreira Oliveira, Renan Gonçalves Cattelan, João Nunes de Souza


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Publication date

October 5, 2010

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-10 (02)
