Topics on Information Systems: Short Courses for SBSI 2018


Rodrigo Santos (ed)
Andre Luis Martinotto (ed)
Scheila de Avila e Silva (ed)


Distributed Applications, Polyglot Databases, Innovation Strategies, Governance, Software Ecosystems, Repository Mining, In-Memory Database Management Systems, In-Memory Databases, Indexing, Concurrency Control, Microservices


Among the activities of the Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI), the discussion of current topics on research and education as well as their relationship with industry is always provided. In this context, the mini-courses represent opportunities for the community to train and update on certain research topics. In the 2018 edition, four mini-courses were selected from 24 proposals submitted through a widely publicized open call via SBC (Brazilian Computing Society) electronic lists. All proposals received at least three evaluations carried out by a committee of 39 PhD professors, who considered criteria such as relevance to the event, audience expectations, timeliness, and content. SBSI 2018 maintains the tradition of publishing the content of mini-courses as chapters in this book.

Chapter 1 presents the text of the mini-course entitled "Building Distributed Applications with Microservices", which aims to present how to build applications using microservices architecture. In addition, solutions to the polyglot database problem are presented. As a result, this work helps identify situations where microservices architecture can be applied.

Chapter 2 presents the text of the mini-course entitled "From Research to Innovation in Information Systems", which aims to clarify the concepts and processes of innovation, the role of scientific research in national innovation strategies, particularly research in Information Systems, and presents activities and useful tools for researchers to identify and plan innovation.

Chapter 3 presents the text of the mini-course entitled "Developer Governance in Software Ecosystems", which aims to present definitions and relevant strategies for the governance of developers in software ecosystems. The fundamentals of software ecosystems, relationships with developers, and repository mining are discussed with a focus on the synergy of relationships involving developers and organizations.

Chapter 4 presents the text of the mini-course entitled "In-Memory Database Management Systems", which aims to discuss the key concepts and techniques that differentiate in-memory databases from disk-resident databases based on aspects such as indexing, storage, concurrency control, among others. In addition, in-memory database management systems are presented.

We believe that this material can be widely used by Information Systems professors for their classes, by researchers for discussing new approaches and as inputs for current and future research, and by professionals for their everyday practice. We hope that everyone who has access to the content of the mini-courses will make great use of it!



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