Topics on Information Systems: Short Courses for SBSI 2017


Bruno Bogaz Zarpelão (ed)
Joaquim Quinteiro Uchôa (ed)
Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa (ed)
Juliana Galvani Greghi (ed)


Digital Accessibility, e-MAG, Participatory Digital Governance, Web Systems, Accessibility Assessors, Software Ecosystems, Digital Ecosystems, Project Management, Project Model Canvas, Agile Methodology, Design Thinking, Budget, Delivery Deadlines, Information Systems of Systems


The Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI) aims to foster the meeting and exchange of experiences among researchers, educators, students, and professionals from the Information Systems (IS) field in both academia and industry. SBSI hosts participants with diverse backgrounds, ranging from those seeking initial exposure to current IS discussions to those delving into specific and advanced topics.

Within this framework, mini-courses offer a great opportunity for experts from different IS areas to share their knowledge with event participants in an accessible manner. In these mini-courses, attendees have the chance to learn about new subjects related to their field and extract elements for their research and/or practice.

In the 2017 edition, the program committee, through a public call, sought mini-courses targeting undergraduate and graduate students as well as industry professionals. Mini-courses could cover both fundamental concepts and aspects (introductory mini-courses) and emerging technologies (advanced mini-courses) in IS. Fourteen proposals were received, each evaluated by three committee members consisting of 25 Ph.D. professors. Evaluation criteria included relevance to the IS field, relevance to the event, technical grounding, course structure, and authors' experience. Three proposals were selected, and their texts form the chapters of this book.

Chapter 1 presents the text of the mini-course titled "Digital Accessibility in Practice: Understanding the e-MAG Model and Tools for Evaluating Web Interfaces," authored by Alberto Dumont Alves Oliveira and Marcelo Medeiros Eler. Aligned with the theme of SBSI 2017 "Information Systems for Participatory Digital Governance," the mini-course addresses web accessibility, focusing on e-MAG (Electronic Government Accessibility Model). The aim of the text is to provide an overview of accessibility, details about e-MAG, and evaluative accessibility applications in web systems.

Chapter 2 presents the text of the mini-course titled "Information Systems and Software Ecosystems: Concepts and Applications," authored by Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto, Rodrigo Santos, and Renata Araujo. Information Systems of Information are large-scale systems composed of pre-existing information systems, while Software Ecosystems comprise the technical, business, and social relationships affecting the scope of influence of these information systems. In this mini-course, concepts of Information Systems, Digital Ecosystems, Software Ecosystems, and Information Systems of Information are discussed, highlighting the aspects of the relationship between Software Ecosystems and Information Systems of Information.

Chapter 3 presents the text of the mini-course titled "SI Project Management with Project Model Canvas," authored by Mônica Mancini and Edmir P. V. Prado. The aim of the mini-course is to address the application of the Project Model Canvas methodology for managing information system projects, which often encounter budget and delivery time problems. In the text, the authors present concepts of traditional and agile project management, design thinking, and the Project Model Canvas methodology itself, along with an example of its application. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology are discussed.

Our intention is for this book to support IS professors, students, researchers, and professionals in various activities such as class preparation, introductory studies on these topics, research project development, scientific article writing, and practices in companies and industries. We hope that everyone can make great use of this material according to their needs.



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Publication date

June 5, 2017

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

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ISBN-13 (15)
