Short Courses of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health
Computing Applied to Health, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Ontologies, Observational researchSynopsis
The book Short Courses of the Brazilian Symposium on Computing Applied to Health (SBCAS 2019) brings the texts of the mini-courses selected and presented in the 19th edition of the event, including four mini courses accepted. Short courses are an opportunity to update the community's knowledge with new themes related to health and computing, in a didactic way and with wide access to the public. The four papers selected are high quality, a result of the efforts of the authors, who dedicate many hours to the production of written content and presentation.
1. Machine Learning applied to Health
2. Blockchain and Applications in Health
3. Biomedical ontologies: theory and practice
4. The state of the art in observational health data research: The OHDSI initiative
Publication date
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