Short courses of the ERSI-RJ 2019 - 6th Regional School on Information Systems of Rio de Janeiro


Tiago Cruz de França (ed)
José Luiz Thomaselli Nogueira (ed)
João Francisco Antunes (ed)


Information systems, Recommender Systems, Privacy, Sentiment Analysis, LGPD, Data Protection, Mathematics Teaching, Smart Environments, Data Fusion


In the first chapter of this book, “Concepts, Implementation and Private Data of Recommendation Algorithms”), the authors took a practical and simple approach to present different information recommendation algorithms. Then, they discussed the importance of these algorithms and the privacy challenges related to the recommendation of information. In the second chapter, “Introduction to Sentiment Analysis with Word Clouds”, the authors introduced concepts of sentiment analysis in texts, presenting examples and strategies for visualizing the results of the analyzes. In the third chapter, "LGPD in Database Environments in Organizations", the authors presented the main points of the law, their influence on database environments in organizations and presented practical examples of operational support to meet LGPD principles. In the fourth chapter, “Mathematics Teaching Technique for Visually Impaired Students with Computer Support”, the authors presented a new methodology for teaching mathematics to visually impaired students using the computer. The fifth chapter, “Data fusion for Intelligent Environments”, presented the main concepts of data fusion for services of intelligent environments and presented practical examples of implementation. We believe that this material will be useful in Information Systems classes; in discussions about new research approaches supporting current and future work; and to support professional practice.




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Publication date

November 9, 2019

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
