Short courses of the 10th Regional School on Informatics of Mato Grosso


Thiago Meirelles Ventura (ed)


Early Privacy, VoIP, UiPath, Cognitive automation


The content of this book is related to privacy, voice over IP and process automation. In the first chapter, entitled “Despertando o olhar para a Early Privacy: desafios e recursos para o estabelecimento de privacidade em sistemas computacionais”, authors comment on how privacy should be thought of from the beginning of software design, respecting usability and accessibility aspects to ensure that users in their widest diversity can effectively make decisions about their personal information in the technological context. In the second chapter, “Voz sobre IP (VoIP) – configurando servidor elastix para ensino-aprendizagem”, author talks about the importance of VoIP as a voice transport service using the internet, besides showing in practice the server implementation elastix for this purpose. The third and last chapter, entitled “Automação Cognitiva de Processos com UiPath”, simulates a scenario in which the automation of a process is carried out with the UiPath tool, facilitating the performance of tasks. The three chapters of this book have methodologies and tools for the information technology area, being a useful book mainly for people who want to start in the respective areas covered.




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Publication date

October 16, 2019

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)
