Topics on Information Systems: Short Courses for SBSI 2020


Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto (ed)
Emilio de Camargo Francesquini (ed)
Flávio Horita (ed)
Carlos Kamienski (ed)


Information Systems


This book brings together works presented in the mini-courses given at the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems (SBSI), held online and organized by the Federal University of ABC, from November 03 to 06, 2020. Participate in SBSI, the national debate forum of Information Systems (IS) area, students and researchers with the presentation of scientific papers and discussion of contemporary topics related to the area. This year, 5 valid mini-course proposals were submitted and two were selected, as decided at the last meeting of the Special Information Systems Commission. Such proposals were evaluated by at least three researchers who are part of a committee composed of 38 research professors. The two mini-courses contained in this book address topics of interest to the Information Systems community and related to the 16th theme. Edition of the event, entitled “Information Systems in Digital Transformation and Innovation”. The first chapter, “Using Network Science in the Development of Complex Systems”, teaches how the context of complex systems affects the development of contemporary applications and how models in network science can be used to better understand the structure and characteristics of these systems. The second chapter, “Development of Service Solutions: SOA, Cloud and Microservices”, discusses the synergy between the concepts of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Cloud Computing (Cloud), and Microservice Architecture (MSA) in the context of the development of Information Systems software, showing how to apply these paradigms in the development of distributed applications for information systems. We hope that this book will help students, researchers, and professionals in the Information Systems area in building knowledge on specific topics related to what was presented here.




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Publication date

November 3, 2020

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
