Training References for Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses in Computing 2019


Renata Araujo, Mackenzie; Adenilso Simão, USP; Andreia Malucelli, PUC-PR; Avelino Zorzo, PUCRS; José Augusto Monteiro, ???; Luiz Chaimowicz, UFMG


Training references, Graduate Courses in Computing


This document presents a set of skills that make up the training references in the field of Computing for stricto sensu postgraduate courses in Brazil, prepared by the Brazilian Computer Society. These references include the organization of competencies for academic master's, professional master's and academic doctorate courses in the country.


How to cite this document

Araujo, R.M.; Simão, A.; Malucelli, A.; Zorzo, A.F.; Monteiro, J.A.S.; Chaimowicz, L. “Training References for Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses in Computing” (in Portuguese). Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC). 19p, 2019.



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Publication date

June 15, 2019