Brazilian Computing Societys's Annual Report 2014-2015


Paulo Cunha, UFPE; Lisandro Granville, UFRGS; Altigran Silva, UFAM; José Viterbo, UFF; Ricardo Anido, UNICAMP; Mirella Moro, UFMG; Jacques Brancher, UEL; Edson Cáceres, UFMS; Claudia Mota, UFRJ; Marcelo Duduchi, CEETEPS; Roberto Bigonha, UFMG; Raimundo Macêdo, UFBA; Avelino Zorzo, PUCRS; Flávio Wagner, UFRGS; Renata Galante, UFGRS; Carlos Ferraz, UFPE


SBC, Events, Financial statement


Document whose purpose is to present the results achieved by the SBC Board of Directors from July 2014 to June 2015, through the actions programmed in its work plan and aligned with the Society's strategic planning.



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Publication date

August 1, 2015