9th Jornada de Atualização em Informática na Educação


Alex Sandro Gomes (ed)
André Maurício Cunha Campos (ed)


Educação em Computação


The Jornadas de Atualização em Informática na Educação (JAIE) are moments and contents of a scientific and technological update for the Informatics in Education (IE) community in Brazil. They are organized annually at the Brazilian Congress of Informatics in Education (CBIE) in the form of a set of short courses (tutorials). Each day focuses on current and relevant IE topics. They aim to stimulate the training of researchers in the areas of Computing, Education, Psychology, Design, and other similar areas with contemporary and cutting edge theoretical and methodological approaches. In this JAIE edition, five chapters summarize the state of the art or technique and help to evolve the area: "Advances in Collaborative Learning with Computer Support in Education 4.0", "Creative Computing with Scratch, Mixly and Arduino: Prototyping with HackEduca Conecta”, “Developing Innovative and Exciting Digital Educational Games with the PlayEduc Framework”, “Demystifying the adoption of Learning Analytics: a concise guide on tools and instruments”, and “Analysis of Discussions in Educational Forums Using Text Mining and Graph Analysis”.




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Publication date

November 13, 2020

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
