Short Courses of the 17th Regional School of Computer Networks


Diego Luis Kreutz (ed)
Rodrigo Brandão Mansilha (ed)
Charles Christian Miers (ed)


Computer Networks


This book presents the texts of the short courses of the 17th Regional School of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (ERRC 2019), held on 16-19 September 2019 in Alegrete, Brazil. The short courses of ERRC aim to introduce emerging and relevant themes in the areas of Computer Networks and Information Security for professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students.


  • 1. Introdução aos Blockchains: Teoria e Prática
    João Otávio Chervinski, Felipe Homrich Melchior, Rafael Fernandes, Guilherme Neri Bustamante Sa, Lucas Antunes, Diego Luis Kreutz, Rodrigo Brandão Mansilha
  • 2. Introdução à Propriedades Básicas e Avançadas de Segurança da Informação
    Diego Luis Kreutz, Sabrina Carlé Winckler, Rodrigo de Oliveira Barbosa, João Otávio Chervinski, Tadeu Sobral Jenuário
  • 3. Introdução à linguagem de programação P4, o futuro das redes
    Pedro Eduardo Camera, Alisson Borges Zanetti
  • 4. Análise do tráfego de máquinas virtuais na rede de controle de nuvens computacionais baseadas em OpenStack
    Charles Christian Miers, Guilherme Piêgas Koslovski, Maurício Aronne Pillon, Adnei Willian Donatti
  • 5. Introdução à Web Application Firewalls (WAFs): Teoria e Prática
    Felipe Homrich Melchior, Diego Luis Kreutz, Maurício Aronne Pillon, Fernando Flora, Isadora Ferrão, Rafael Fernandes, Thiago Escarrone, Douglas Macedo


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Publication date

September 16, 2019

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
