Short Courses of the 37th Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems


Alberto Egon Schaeffer Filho (ed)
Weverton Luis da Costa Cordeiro (ed)
Miguel Elias Mitre Campista (ed)


Computer Networks, Distributed Sistems


The Book of Short Courses of the XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2019) addresses current topics which are of interest to the community, such as blockchains, network virtualization, urban computing, packet processing, wireless networks, cryptography and data science.

In the first chapter, entitled “Segurança na Internet do Futuro: Provendo Confiança Distribuída através de Correntes de Blocos na Virtualização de Funções de Rede” the authors discuss the fundamentals of blockchain, and relate these concepts to research challenges in security in new generation networks.

In the second chapter, “Computação Urbana da Teoria à Prática: Fundamentos, Aplicações e Desafios”, the authors discuss the notion of Urban Computing, which correlates urban sensing, data management and its analysis to provide services with the potential to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of large urban centers, and present the necessary steps to develop an application in this area.

In the third chapter, “Processamento Rápido de Pacotes com eBPF e XDP”, the authors aim to present the Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF), which is used for the fast processing of network packets.

In the fourth chapter, “Análise de Dados em Redes Sem Fio de Grande Porte: Processamento em Fluxo em Tempo Real, Tendências e Desafios”, the authors present the main methods of sampling, data collection and monitoring of wireless networks, and characterize knowledge extraction as a machine learning problem in processing large volumes of data.

In the fifth chapter, “Introdução à Criptografia para Administradores de Sistemas com TLS, OpenSSL e Apache mod_ssl”, the authors address the use of cryptography by students and information technology professionals with little experience in security and encryption.

In the sixth and final chapter, “Introdução à Ciência de Dados: Uma Visão Pragmática utilizando Python, Aplicações e Oportunidades em Redes de Computadores”, the authors present, using the Python language and specific libraries, the most used methods to manipulate and analyze data and extract information, applying them to solve problems in the area of computer networks.

The six chapters comprehensively address current topics of the community, being a useful resource for researchers and professionals in the area of computer networks and distributed systems.


  • 1. Future Internet Security: Providing Distributed Trust Through Block Chains in Network Role Virtualization
    Gabriel Antonio F. Rebello, Gustavo F. Camilo, Leonardo G. C. Silva, Lucas A. C. de Souza, Lucas C. B. Guimarães, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte
  • 2. Urban Computing from Theory to Practice: Fundamentals, Applications and Challenges
    Diego O. Rodrigues, Frances A. Santos, Geraldo P. Rocha Filho, Ademar T. Akabane, Raquel Cabral, Roger Immich, Wellington L. Junior, Felipe D. Cunha, Daniel L. Guidoni, Thiago H. Silva, Denis Rosário, Eduardo Cerqueira, Antonio A. F. Loureiro, Leandro A. Villas
  • 3. Processamento Rápido de Pacotes com eBPF e XDP
    Marcos A. M. Vieira, Racyus D. G. Pacífico, Matheus S. Castanho, Elerson R. S. Santos, Eduardo P. M. Câmara Júnior, Luiz F. M. Vieira
  • 4. Data Analysis on Large Wireless Networks: Real-Time Stream Processing, Trends, and Challenges
    Dianne S. V. Medeiros, Helio N. C. Neto, Martin Andreoni Lopez, Luiz Claudio S. Magalhães, Edelberto F. Silva, Alex B. Vieira, Natalia C. Fernandes, Diogo M. F. Mattos
  • 5. Introduction to Encryption for System Administrators with TLS, OpenSSL, and Apache mod_ssl
    Alexandre Braga, Ricardo Dahab
  • 6. Introduction to Data Science: A Pragmatic View Using Python, Applications, and Opportunities in Computer Networks
    Giovanni Comarela, Gabriel Franco, Celio Trois, Alextian Liberato, Magnos Martinello, João Henrique Corrêa, Rodolfo Villaça


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Publication date

May 6, 2019

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
