Learning Journey on Informatics 2021
JAI 2021Synopsis
Maintaining its tradition of presenting relevant themes in research and development, the Jornadas de Atualização em Informática (JAI), in this edition, deals with technologies and concepts in Computing with a great impact on the technological development of modern society. This publication presents topics related to cybersecurity and the Internet of Things (IoT), data privacy, communication between people and computer systems, and processing large volumes of data.
We opened this book with a presentation on the history of JAI prepared by Professor Roberto S. Bigonha (UFMG), who gave a course at the 1st JAI in 1982. We thank Professor Bigonha for accepting this invitation, which became a challenge due to the Covid-19 pandemic, since information about the first versions of JAI, recorded only in print, is inaccessible in libraries in universities. Thus, with the data that were possible to recover, Prof. Bigonha makes a pleasant account on the creation and history of the JAI, marking the celebration of its 40 years.
We thank the program committee and all the authors who submitted proposals. We had seven proposals submitted and selected four to be developed as chapters in this book. We also thank the coordinator of CSBC 2021, Prof. Frank Siqueira, and the organizing committee for their support in the preparation of this event.
Finally, we would like to record our satisfaction and joy in coordinating JAI in its 40th year of existence.
Aline Maria Santos Andrade (UFBA)
Raul Sidnei Wazlawick (UFSC)
1. Data Science with Reproducibility Using Jupyter
2. Experimental Methods in Human Computer Interaction
3. Privacidade de Dados de Localização: Modelos, Técnicas e Mecanismos
4. Blockchain and Smart Contracts for IoT Applications, a Practical Approach
Publication date
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