Learning Journey on Informatics 2015


Cláudia Linhares Sales (ed)
Henrique Emanuel Mostaert Rebêlo (ed)


JAI 2015


The 34th Learning Journey on Informatics (JAI 2015) brings 6 short courses presented during the 35th Congress of the Brazilian Computing Society (CSBC 2015). Chapters 1 and 3 introduce and advance the theoretical foundations of computer science, such as problem classes, computability, and computational logic, as well as difficult problem-solving techniques (in combinatorial optimization), introducing concepts as well as new and old challenges that have intrigued researchers in the field since the beginning. On the other hand, Chapter 5 introduces concepts for refinements in the classification of difficult problems, thus completing, together with Chapters 1 and 3, an extensive overview of the diversity of what is understood to be the area of ​​theory of computation, marking the creation of the special commission. this area at the Brazilian Computing Society in 2014. In contrast to the aforementioned chapters, which emphasize their theoretical aspects, in Chapters 2 and 6, computer science presents itself in some of its boldest aspects, in the areas of urban computing and mobile robotics, where the first chapter, in addition, introduce the concept of urban computing, discusses the sensing techniques of urban networks; and the second presents the main concepts of mobile robotics and articulated robots. Chapter 6, in turn, focuses on practical aspects of software engineering, introducing a specification language for information systems interface design and exemplifying its use.



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Publication date

July 20, 2015

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
