Short Courses of the 20th Regional School of Computer Bahia, Alagoas and Sergipe


Felipe Alencar Lopes (ed)




The content of this book is related to artificial intelligence, computer vision, and the teaching-learning process. In the first chapter, entitled “How Do Machines See? A theoretical and practical overview of Computational Vision applied to daily problems using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence", the authors comment on the bases of image processing and manipulation, its relevant characteristics, and how this information can be used for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions. In the second chapter, “Using the Design Thinking Empathy Map in the teaching-learning process”, the authors aim to train people to use the Design Thinking (DT) tool, the empathy map. The basic concepts of the DT for education and the procedures for completing the Empathy Map on the perceptions of both teachers and students involved in teaching-learning will be presented. The two chapters of this book have methodologies and tools for the area of ​​information technology, being a useful work mainly for people who want to start in the respective areas covered.




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Publication date

October 26, 2020

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
