Short Courses of ERCEMAPI 2021
ERCEMAPI 2021Synopsis
ERCEMAPI 2021 Short Course Book collaborates with the goal of the Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí Regional Computing School in disseminating technical and scientific knowledge on cutting-edge topics and subjects in the field of Computing. Now in its 9th edition, the short courses address content related to artificial intelligence, intellectual property and computer architecture, to update the knowledge of the academic and professional community in a didactic way with broad access to the public. Three chapters of this book have methodologies and tools for the Information and Communication Technology area, an excellent opportunity to familiarize those interested with new research topics that may be useful in their professional lives.
1. PLN: Das Técnicas Tradicionais aos Modelos de Deep Learning
2. Propriedade Intelectual e registro de programa de computador – Inovação e tecnologia na indústria moderna
3. Uma Abordagem Prática para Aprendizagem em Arquitetura e Organização de Computadores com Apoio do Simulador Computacional CompSim