Short Courses of the 4th Regional School of High Performance Computing from Midwest Brazil


Aletéia Patrícia Favacho de Araújo (ed)
Bianca de Almeida Dantas (ed)
Liana Dessandre Duenha (ed)
Wellington Santos Martins (ed)


ERAD-CO 2021


ERAD-CO 2021 Short Course Book collaborates with the goal of the Regional School of High-Performance Computing of the Midwest Region to disseminate technical and scientific knowledge on advanced and current topics, and subjects in the area of Computing. ERAD-CO's audience is composed of professionals, professors and students interested in discussing the challenges of the area, proposing solutions, and discussing ways of teaching High Performance processing in universities in the Brazil Midwest Region. In its 4th edition, the two invited shorts courses that make up this book present content related to Function as a Service (FaaS) – Chapter 1, and an overview of Spark – Chapter 2. Thus, this book constitutes a great opportunity for those interested in the High-Performance area to learn about these recent technologies.



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ALIBABA. Alibaba functions, 2019.

AMAZON. AWS, 2019.

APACHE. What is apache openwhisk?, 2019.

AWS. AWS overview, 2018.

AWS. O que são microsserviços?, 2021.

Charles ANDERSON. Docker. IEEE Software, 32(3):102 – c3, 2015.

CITRIX. Deliver virtual windows apps and desktops simply and securely, 2019.

Cristian SPOIALA. Pros and cons of serverless computing., 2017.

D. K. JAMSA. Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Jones and Bartlett Learning, Maio 2013.

DELL. Storage as a service., 2019.

FN. Fn project: Open source. container-native. serverless platform., 2019.

Fonte oficial do dateset:

Gabriel Souza de PAULA. Avaliação de serviços serverless: um experimento piloto, 2018.

Gartner. Gartner says four trends are shaping the future of public cloud, 2021.

GOOGLE. Cloud functions, 2019.

Ian Foster. What is the grid? a three point checklist. GRID today, 1:32–36, 01 2002.

IBM. IBM cloud functions, 2019.

IBM. IBM resiliency backup as a service, 2019.

IBM. Watson machine learning, 2019.

Istemi Ekin AKKUS, Ruichuan Chen, Ivica Rimac, Manuel Stein, Klaus Satzke, Andre Beck, Paarijaat Aditya, and Volker Hilt. SAND: Towards high-performance serverless computing. In 2018 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 18), pages 923–935, Boston, MA, July 2018. USENIX Association.

Joe STUBBS, Rion Dooley, and Matthew Vaughn. Containers-as-a-service via the Actor Model. In Gateways 2016 proceedings, 1 2017.

Johann Schleier-Smith, Vikram Sreekanti, Anurag Khandelwal, Joao Carreira, Neeraja J Yadwadkar, Raluca Ada Popa, Joseph E Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, and David A Patterson. What serverless computing is and should become: The next phase of cloud computing. Communications of the ACM, 64(5):76–84, 2021.

John Olorunfemi ABE and Burak BERK. A data as a service (daas) model for gpu-based data analytics. In IEEE/IFIP NTMS Workshop on Big Data and Emerging Trends. IEEE/IFIP, 2017.

KUBELESS. Kubeless - the kubernetes native serverless framework: Build advanced applications with faas on top of kubernetes, 2019.

Matt BILLOCK. The pros and cons of AWS lambda, 2017.

Michael ATHANASOPOULOS and Kostas KONTOGIANNIS. Extracting rest resource models from procedure-oriented service interfaces. Journal of Systems and Software, 100:149 – 166, 2015.

MICROSOFT. Azure functions, 2019.

MICROSOFT. Azure, 2019.

Neil SAVAGE. Going serverless. Commun. ACM, 61(2):15–16, January 2018.

O. ZIMMERMANN. Microservices tenets: Agile approach to service development and deployment. Comput Sci Res Dev, 32:301, 2017.

OPENFAAS. Openfaas - serverless functions made simple, 2019.

ORACLE. Announcing oracle functions, 2019.

Oracle. O oracle functions agora está geralmente disponível, 2020.

Peter MELL and Tim Grance. The NIST definition of cloud computing. National Institute of Standards and Tecnology, Setembro 2011.

R. T. FIELDING. Architectural styles and the design of network-based software architectures [ph. d. thesis]: Irvine, university of california. Information and Computer Science Department, 2000.

RED HAT. What is kubernetes, 2019.

Ryan CHARD, Tyler J. Skluzacek, Zhuozhao Li, Yadu Babuji, Anna Woodard, Ben Blaiszik, Steven Tuecke, Ian Foster, and Kyle Chard. Serverless supercomputing: High performance function as a service for science, 2019.

Shams ZAWOAD, Amit Kumar Dutta, and Ragib Hasan. Seclaas: Secure logging-as-a-service for cloud forensics. CoRR, abs/1302.6267, 2013.

SUSE. Plataforma suse caas, 2019.


V. R. BASILI, M. Lindvall, M. Regardie, C. Seaman, J. Heidrich, J. Münch, D. Rombach, and A. Trendowicz. Linking software development and business strategy through measurement. Computer, 43(4):57–65, Abril 2010.

VEEAM. Garanta proteção de dados com a recuperação de desastres, 2019.

X. LARRUCEA, I. Santamaria, R. Colomo-palacios, and C. Ebert. Microservices. IEEE Software, 35(3):96–100, Maio 2018.

Xi ZHENG. Database as a service - current issues and its future. CoRR, abs/1804.00465, 2018.

Y. DUAN, G. Fu, N. Zhou, X. Sun, N. C. Narendra, and B. Hu. Everything as a service (xaas) on the cloud: Origins, current and future trends. In 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), volume 00, pages 621– 628, Junho 2015.


Publication date

November 16, 2021

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
