Short Courses of the 20th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security


Fábio Borges (ed)
Raphael Carlos Santos Machado (ed)


SBSeg 2020, Information Security


The SBSeg 2020 Book of Minicourses presents computing tools focused on Information Security, as well as new paradigms aimed at data privacy, being very useful for people who wish to gain knowledge in the respective areas covered. The first chapter, entitled "Processing confidential data from sensors in the cloud", presents how to use confidential computing tools for developing IoT applications that process potentially sensitive data in the cloud. The second chapter, "Natural Language Processing to Identify Fake News in Social Networks: Tools, Trends and Challenges", presents methods for preprocessing data in natural language, vectoring, dimensionality reduction, machine learning, and quality assessment of information retrieval. Finally, in the third chapter, "User Privacy in Collaborative Learning: Federated Learning, from Theory to Practice", the Federated Learning paradigm is discussed, which allows collaborative execution of learning models in local data and subsequent aggregation into a centralized global model. The chapter focuses on presenting the principles, applications, as well as challenges and attacks on federated learning, through a practical-theoretical approach with a focus on users’ privacy.


  • 1. Processamento confidencial de dados de sensores na nuvem
    Andrey Brito, Clenimar Souza, Fábio Silva, Lucas Cavalcante, Matteus Silva
  • 2. Processamento de Linguagem Natural para Identificação de Notícias Falsas em Redes Sociais: Ferramentas, Tendências e Desafios
    Nicollas R. de Oliveira, Pedro Silveira Pisa, Bernardo Costa, Martin Andreoni Lopez, Igor Monteiro Moraes, Diogo M. F. Mattos
  • 3. Privacidade do Usuário em Aprendizado Colaborativo: Federated Learning, da Teoria à Prática
    Helio N. C. Neto, Diogo M. F. Mattos, Natalia C. Fernandes


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