Short Courses of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security
SBSeg 2017, Information SecuritySynopsis
The Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg) is a scientific event promoted annually by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). SBSeg represents the country’s main forum for disseminating research results and relevant activities related to information and computational systems security.
In this edition (2017), 20 short-course proposals were submitted, a significant number that demonstrates the relevance and the community interest in current subjects of the area. Four proposals were selected for publication and presentation, an acceptance rate of 20%.
This book comprises the four chapters produced by the authors of the accepted short-course proposals. Chapter 1 is in line with the growing and inevitable trend of using small computing devices. This chapter discusses contemporary issues in the area of security and privacy in the context of ubiquitous computing, as well as pointing out research problems that have not yet been solved. Chapter 2 introduces key hardware-based security technologies, covering functionality and use cases of the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX) architecture. Chapters 3 and 4 discuss blockchain technology, a diffusion-based technology that has driven new research, development, and innovation in the area of computational systems security. Chapter 3 presents the technology fundamentals and programming aspects involved in application development and systems security. Chapter 4 presents how blockchain technology can be used to provide security and privacy in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT).
1. O Computador para o Século 21: Desafios de Segurança e Privacidade após 25 Anos
2. Mecanismos de segurança baseados em hardware: uma introdução à arquitetura Intel SGX
3. Segurança de Aplicações Blockchain Além das Criptomoedas
4. Uso de Blockchain para Privacidade e Segurança em Internet das Coisas
“Bitcoin Project.” [Online]. Available:
“Ethereum Blockchain App Platform.” [Online]. Available:
“Hyperledger - Blockchain Technologies for Business.” [Online]. Available:
“Ripple and RippleNet - The world"s only enterprise blockchain solution for global payments.” [Online]. Available:
A. Braga and R. Dahab, “Introdução à Criptografia para Programadores,” in Caderno de minicursos do XV Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais — SBSeg, 2015, pp. 1–50.
A. Braga and R. Dahab, “Mining Cryptography Misuse in Online Forums,” in 2nd Int. Workshop on Human and Social Aspect of Software Quality, 2016.
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Albrecht, M. R., Driessen, B., Kavun, E. B., Leander, G., Paar, C., and Yalçin, T. (2014). Block ciphers - focus on the linear layer (feat. PRIDE). In CRYPTO (1), volume 8616 of LNCS, pages 57–76. Springer.
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Almeida, J. B., Barbosa, M., Barthe, G., Dupressoir, F., and Emmi, M. (2016). Verifying constant-time implementations. In USENIX Security Symposium, pages 53–70. USENIX Association.
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Anati, I., Gueron, S., Johnson, S. P., and Scarlata, V. R. (2013). Innovative technology for CPU based attestation and sealing. In 2nd Intl Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy, New York, NY. ACM.
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Andrea, A. (2014). Mastering BitCoin, volume 50.
Aranha, D. F., Karam, M. M., Miranda, A., and Scarel, F. (2014). Software vulnerabilities in the Brazilian voting machine, pages 149–175. IGI Global.
Arias-Cabarcos, P., Almenárez, F., Trapero, R., Díaz-Sánchez, D., and Marín, A. (2015). Blended identity: Pervasive idm for continuous authentication. IEEE Security Privacy, 13(3):32–39.
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Banik, S., Bogdanov, A., and Regazzoni, F. (2015). Exploring energy efficiency of lightweight block ciphers. In SAC, volume 9566 of LNCS, pages 178–194. Springer.
Barbulescu, R., Gaudry, P., Joux, A., and Thomé, E. (2014). A heuristic quasi-polynomial algorithm for discrete logarithm in finite fields of small characteristic. In EUROCRYPT 2014, pages 1–16. Springer.
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Bernstein, D. J., Lange, T., and Schwabe, P. (2012b). The security impact of a new cryptographic library. In LATINCRYPT, volume 7533 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 159–176. Springer.
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Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017a). Background and Models, pages 13–23. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017b). Introduction, pages 3–12. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017c). Quantifying the Aggregation Size, pages 49–60. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017d). Reasons to Measure Frequently and Their Requirements, pages 39–47. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017e). Selected Privacy-Preserving Protocols, pages 61–100. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges de Oliveira, F. (2017f). A Selective Review, pages 25–36. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Borges, F. (2016a). Introdução à Privacidade: Uma Abordagem Computacional, pages 1–43. SBC.
Borges, F. (2016b). Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation in Smart Metering Systems. Energy Engineering Series. Institution of Engineering & Technology.
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