Accessibility in HCI 2021: experience report


Amanda Meincke Melo
Soraia Silva Prietch
Carolina Sacramento
Renan Vinicius Aranha
IF Goiano


HCI, Accessibility, Experience Report


Over the years, the theme of accessibility has been addressed at the Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC). Although not systematized by a committee, accessibility initiatives were already thought of by other organizing teams of the event. Stimulated by the international initiative of the Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGCHI) of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), the organizing committee of the 20th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems (IHC 2021) officially incorporated in its team the first Accessibility Committee in a Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) event. This is a first initiative to systematize actions to promote accessibility at an SBC event. In this book, experiences in promoting accessibility for the IHC 2021 are shared by its Accessibility Committee. We tried to offer a reference material, with guidelines and recommendations that can be analyzed, discussed and improved for new initiatives that seek to promote accessibility in events within the scope of the SBC. It is expected, therefore, that the scientific community evokes the responsibility of contemplating accessibility, both in technical-scientific events and in other (physical and virtual) spaces.


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Publication date

May 23, 2022

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)
