Short Courses of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security
Information Security, Computer Systems, SBSeg 2016, SBSeg Short CoursesSynopsis
This book presents the selection of the short-courses of the 16th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg).
In 2016, 14 short-course proposals were submitted, a significant number that demonstrates the relevance and the community interest in current subjects of the area. Four proposals were selected for publication and presentation, an acceptance rate of approximately 29%.
This book comprises the four chapters produced by the authors of the accepted short-course proposals. Chapter 1 presents a computational approach for the problem of privacy protection, presenting several techniques with their cryptographic primitives used to ensure privacy in various scenarios. Chapter 2 introduces computer forensics focused on the criminal area. This chapter discusses some main cyber crimes and presents techniques and tools used in this area. Chapter 3 discusses attacks and countermeasures in software implementations of both asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods based on elliptic curves. Finally, Chapter 4 covers the main concepts related to smart grids, focusing on vulnerabilities and attacks that this kind of networks may suffer.
1. Introdução à Privacidade: Uma Abordagem Computacional
2. Crimes Cibernéticos e Computação Forense
3. Canais laterais em criptografia simétrica e de curvas elípticas: ataques e contramedidas
4. Desafios de Segurança e Confiabilidade na Comunicação para Smart Grids
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