Short Courses of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security


Igor Monteiro Moraes (ed)
Antônio Augusto de Aragão Rocha (ed)


Information Security, Computer Systems, SBSeg 2016, SBSeg Short Courses


This book presents the selection of the short-courses of the 16th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg).

In 2016, 14 short-course proposals were submitted, a significant number that demonstrates the relevance and the community interest in current subjects of the area. Four proposals were selected for publication and presentation, an acceptance rate of approximately 29%.

This book comprises the four chapters produced by the authors of the accepted short-course proposals. Chapter 1 presents a computational approach for the problem of privacy protection, presenting several techniques with their cryptographic primitives used to ensure privacy in various scenarios. Chapter 2 introduces computer forensics focused on the criminal area. This chapter discusses some main cyber crimes and presents techniques and tools used in this area. Chapter 3 discusses attacks and countermeasures in software implementations of both asymmetric and symmetric encryption methods based on elliptic curves. Finally, Chapter 4 covers the main concepts related to smart grids, focusing on vulnerabilities and attacks that this kind of networks may suffer.



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Publication date

November 7, 2016

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
