Short Courses of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security


Eduardo Souto (ed)
Michelle Wangham (ed)
Joni da Silva Fraga (ed)


Security Information, Computational Systems, SBSeg 2015 Short Couses, SBSeg 2015


This book presents the selection of the short-courses of the 15th edition of the Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg). In 2015, 10 short-course proposals were submitted. Four proposals were selected for publication and presentation, an acceptance rate of 40%.

This book comprises the four chapters produced by the authors of the accepted short-course proposals. In Chapter 1, authors discuss the use of programmatic cryptography by software developers with little or no experience in information security and cryptography. The chapter shows to software programmers good and bad uses of cryptography through real-life examples and code snippets. Chapter 2 discusses the environment of Mobile Crowd Sensing applications, focusing on questions related to privacy, security, and information reliability. In Chapter 3, authors describe the aspects that help cryptography implementations in software to become efficient and secure. Finally, Chapter 4 presents the main techniques and related works of spam detection.



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Publication date

November 9, 2015

Details about the available publication format: Full Volume

Full Volume

ISBN-13 (15)
