Notes in Computer Science
Available titles: 10
The Jornada de Atualização em Informática (JAI) is one of the most important academic events of scientific and technological updating of the Brazilian computing community. Traditionally held in conjunction with the SBC Congress, JAI understands the work of senior researchers from our community, offering a unique opportunity for academics and IT professionals to update themselves in diverse topics, interacting with leaders of the most diverse research areas in Brazil. The JAI is formed by a set of short courses of six hours duration each, addressing advanced themes, but at the same time consolidated, that are not part of the curricula of the undergraduate courses of the Computing Area. In the selection of short courses, the seniority of the lecturers, the competence they demonstrate in their area of action, the importance and the scope of the proposed theme and the potential to arouse the interest of young students, academics and professionals of Computing are taken into account.