Short Courses of ERCEMAPI 2022


Ariel S. Teles (ed)
Danilo B. da Silva (ed)
Guilherme A. R. M. Esmeraldo (ed)




The ERCEMAPI 2022 Book of Mini-courses covers content related to data science, artificial intelligence, computer vision and health informatics. In the first chapter, entitled “Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais com Python”, the authors approach the exploratory analysis of spatial data, associating theory with practice using the Python language. In the second chapter, “Acionamento de Dispositivos Eletroeletrônicos Utilizando Visão Computacional”, the authors present a method for using computer vision techniques to control electronic devices. The third chapter “Explainability e auditability: interpretando e validando modelos de machine learning” is situated in an area of considerable growth in recent years, the explainable artificial intelligence. The fourth chapter “Introdução às Redes Neurais Profundas com Python” introduces not only the concepts, but also practical examples on deep learning with neural networks. In the fifth chapter, “Desenvolvimento Ágil e Informatização da Saúde Pública no Brasil”, the authors present agile practices used for the development of large systems for the Ministry of Health in Brazil. The sixth and final chapter, entitled “Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação web para o diagnóstico da COVID-19 usando conceitos, técnicas e ferramentas de Inteligência Artificial”, discusses the development of a web application for the diagnosis of COVID-19, using chest radiography images, with artificial intelligence concepts, techniques and tools. The six chapters of this book have methodologies and tools for the area of information technology, and is a useful work for people who want to start in the respective areas covered, as well as acquire knowledge in very current research topics.



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September 28, 2022

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