Short Courses of the 22th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems


Vânia Neris (ed)
Valdecir Becker (ed)


Human-Computer Interaction (HInt), Semiotic Engineering, Qualitative Analysis in HCI, Ethics in UX, Manipulative Design, Fair Design Patterns


Short Courses of the 22th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems brings together three of the four minicourses conducted during IHC 2023, in Maceió (AL).

In chapter 1, the authors present the Human-Computer Integration (HInt) paradigm and an extension of Semiotic Engineering theory to meet the demands of this new paradigm. The text presents concepts, partner technologies, a theoretical framework, demonstrations, and exercises.

In chapter 2, the authors provide content to assist researchers and professionals in conducting qualitative data analysis in a systematic way, aiming to increase the rigor of this practice. The text presents foundations, applications, and examples, as well as different ways to visualize the results.

In chapter 3, the authors discuss ethical issues in User Experience (UX) through the adoption of fair design standards. The text presents a conceptual framework, a set of fair design standards, and describes the execution of the minicourse. As a practical activity during the minicourse, a social network system was analyzed. The authors discuss the results of this analysis in the text.

It is hoped that the presented content can serve as a reference for teachers, researchers, and students, as well as support community actions and encourage other experts to propose minicourses in future IHC conferences.



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Publication date

October 16, 2023


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