Human-Computer Interaction

Available titles: 9

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Accessibility in HCI 2021: experience report

Amanda Meincke Melo, Soraia Silva Prietch, Carolina Sacramento, Renan Vinicius Aranha
Published on May 23, 2022

Graphics in Plain Language: Guidelines for creating graphs that are easier to understand

Rodrigo Oliveira, Claudia Cappelli, Jonice Oliveira
Published on June 30, 2023

Introdução a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada

Romero Tori (ed), Marcelo da Silva Hounsell (ed)
Published on November 7, 2020

Learning Journey on Informatics 2015

Cláudia Linhares Sales (ed), Henrique Emanuel Mostaert Rebêlo (ed)
Published on July 20, 2015

Learning Journey on Informatics 2021

Aline M. S. Andrade (ed), Raul S. Wazlawick (ed)
Published on July 18, 2021

Short Courses of ERCEMAPI 2020

Ariel Soares Teles (ed), Dario Brito Calçada (ed), Nécio Lima Veras (ed)
Published on September 10, 2020

Short Courses of the 7th Ibero-American Journey on Human-Computer Interaction

André Constantino da Silva (ed), André Luiz Satoshi Kawamoto (ed), Daniela Marques (ed)
Published on September 8, 2021

Topics on Collaborative Systems, Interactives, Multimedia, Web and Databases: Short Courses of the 8th SBSC, 16th WebMedia, 9th IHC and 15th SBBD

Adriano C. Machado Pereira (ed), Marco Winckler (ed), Roberta Lima Gomes (ed)
Published on October 5, 2010

Tutorials of the 11th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Plinio Thomaz Aquino Junior (ed), Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa (ed)
Published on November 5, 2012